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Kil Gun

Kil Gun, the singer who donned nothing much but gold body paint for her comeback look, was in Bali, Indonesia recently to shoot a music video for her latest track entitled Country of the Sun. The song is from her comeback album entitled Light of the World.

Formerly a back-up dancer for singers like Lee Hyori and Baek Ji-young, the 29-year-old is set to wow the K-popped! masses with her sultry dance moves in her new MV. Here’s a sneak peek at what we’ll be seeing in the MV.

In the sea: Is that Kuta beach behind her?
On a cliff: Wind in the hair, salty sea breeze and the
waves breaking below…perfect!
Yachting: Time for some boat action?

If you are in Seoul, the good news is you can catch her live at her showcase on May 28 at Club NB2 in Hongdae.

Source: Hankooki & krnloop
Pics credit: Hankooki

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